Daily Express Front Page 28th of July 2022
After Russian President Vladimir Putin cut gas supplies, energy bills will reach almost £4,000 a year, according to the Daily Express.
After Russian President Vladimir Putin cut gas supplies, energy bills will reach almost £4,000 a year, according to the Daily Express.
According to The Independent, households will face a £500 energy bill in January 2023.
In The Times, a national security adviser warned that backdoor channels between rival powers have collapsed, putting the West at risk of nuclear conflict.
The Daily Mail reports that a barrister has won a landmark battle over her right to stand up to “trans extremists” accused of eradicating women’s rights.
Daily Mirror warns that energy bills could reach £500 during one month this winter.
According to the UK’s national security adviser, the West and China could “miscalculate” their way into nuclear war.
According to the i, the RMT is threatening to strike if Liz Truss is elected prime minister and anti-union laws are introduced.
As rail workers voted for fresh action, the UK could face a general strike this summer, according to The Guardian.
The Daily Star reports that eco experts suggest leaving your hair greasy and cutting back on showers.
Metro leads its front page with the news that this July will be the driest in 111 years.
The Financial Times reports that the Federal Reserve has raised its benchmark policy rate for the second month in a row by 0.75 percentage points.