Daily Star Front Page 21st of January 2021
The Daily Star calls Donald Trump ‘The Incredible Sulk’ as he slunk off from the White House, leaving his successor Joe Biden a note.
The Daily Star calls Donald Trump ‘The Incredible Sulk’ as he slunk off from the White House, leaving his successor Joe Biden a note.
The i newspaper says Joe Biden is a president in a hurry as he promises to try to heal a bitterly divided America.
The Times pictures Joe Biden kissing his wife Jill. The paper says that after being sworn in, the new US president echoed Abraham Lincoln in pledging that “my whole soul is in this” as he implored Americans to join him in “renewal and resolve”.
Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th US president, promising to bring in a spirit of national unity to guide the country through one of the most perilous chapters in American history, says The Guardian.
The Independent has a quote from Joe Biden’s inaugural address saying “democracy has prevailed” – as it reports the incoming US president has promised to unite a nation divided by crisis.
Joe Biden called for America to end its “uncivil war” between political factions as he attempted to draw a line under the divisions of Donald Trump’s presidency, says The Daily Telegraph.
The Daily Mirror has called Joe Biden’s inauguration a day of history and a day of hope as he and his vice president Kamala Harris offer the US and the rest of the world a brighter future.
The Daily Mail has the headline “Don’s gone… Let’s go Joe” as the paper says Mr Biden tried to turn the page on four of the most turbulent years in America’s history as he pledged he would serve those who did not vote for him as diligently as those who did.
America’s new president Joe Biden has promised to make the US a “beacon to the world” again and urged its citizens to end the nation’s “uncivil war”, writes Metro.
Joe Biden hailed the resilience of US democracy and appealed for unity in a divided nation as he was sworn in as the 46th president, reports the Financial Times.