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Beneath the headline “Gas price clash over bailout for factories” the i reports that factories could close in days as energy prices soar, risking “permanent damage” to the steel industry. Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng failed to guarantee enough energy to heat homes this winter, the paper notes, quoting sources who say officials’ “blood ran cold” when they were faced with the scale of the problem. The paper adds that supermarkets are encouraging people to start their Christmas shopping now as some products may be rationed to stop panic buying.

i Front Page 6th of September 2024

Brexit checks on fruit and vegetables imported from the EU have been delayed until January 2025 to prevent potential price increases in UK supermarkets and to respond to warnings about the impact on food supply and businesses.

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i Front Page 5th of September 2024

The 72 Grenfell Tower fire deaths in 2017 were deemed avoidable by an inquiry, which blamed ‘decades of failure’ by successive governments, ‘dishonesty’ of housing companies, cladding manufacturers, and a lack of strategy from the fire service.

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