The Daily Express focuses on 25% of UK manufacturers reportedly “repatriating” production since Brexit, viewing it as beneficial for businesses.
The Daily Mirror leads with a story about a baby’s miraculous escape without injury after a car crashed into a Welsh holiday campsite, injuring nine others.
According to The Times, gunfire was exchanged during clashes between migrants in Dunkirk attempting to reach Britain.
The Daily Mail’s headline story is about the increasing number of patients in Wales crossing the border into England to seek NHS treatment and avoid long waiting lists.
The Guardian emphasises the potential impact of “grade deflation” on pupils from poorer backgrounds as GCSE and A-level results approach.
The Daily Star looks forward to a welcome change in the weather, promising warmer conditions following a grey and damp summer in Britain.
According to the Financial Times, Russian firms may have earned up to $1bn more from crude oil sales in a single quarter, due to inflated shipping costs.
The i reports a “surprise” inflation rise expected next month that could add hundreds of millions to the state pension pot for 2024.
The Metro also highlights the story of a baby’s escape from injury when a car ploughed into a campsite in Wales, hurting nine others.