Daily Mail Front Page 19th of August 2022
Following today’s results day, more than 43,000 school-leavers are expected to scramble for university places, according to the Daily Mail.
Following today’s results day, more than 43,000 school-leavers are expected to scramble for university places, according to the Daily Mail.
Following more industrial action on Thursday, Liz Truss wants to crack down on what she calls “militant unions” if she becomes Number 10.
A winter crisis could force the hiring of thousands of overseas workers to fill the 160,000 vacancies in the care sector, reports The Times.
A 20% bonus hike for water bosses makes the front page of The Guardian, while their companies continue to discharge sewage into the ocean.
According to the Daily Star, one British worker is trying to avoid rising energy costs this winter by moving to Spain.
After taking a fall, an 87-year-old man waited 15 hours in a makeshift shelter built by his family before an ambulance arrived.
Despite pumping sewage into the sea and prohibiting hosepipes, water chiefs have pocketed pay rises of around 21%. The Metro also alleges that the country loses 3 billion liters of water a day to leaks.
In addition to the deaths associated directly with COVID-19, the paper believes an 1,000 more people are dying each week from conditions unrelated to the virus.
Insiders told the Financial Times that if Liz Truss wins the election, she wants to review City regulators’ roles as part of a “wider war on technocrats”.
Should Liz Truss become prime minister, the Office for Budget Responsibility will warn her that the public purse will be significantly smaller than she thought.