The Daily Mirror has branded the chancellor’s announcement “the bankers’ budget” as “tax on bubbly was cut as the cost of living is set to soar”.
Rishi Sunak has claimed the Conservatives are the “real party of public services” as he announced a budget in which government spending will rise to highest sustained level since before Margaret Thatcher, The Times reports.
The Daily Star has been getting creative by featuring the chancellor and the prime minister in a mock-up poster for a fourth film in The Hangover franchise. The tabloid highlights fears over shortages and soaring bills as it sarcastically thanks the government for cutting the price of beer by “Oh 3P!”
The chancellor is “on a mission to cut taxes” and “reduce the role of the state in people’s lives”, the Daily Express reports.
The chancellor has announced plans to take government spending to the highest sustained level since the late 1970s, the Daily Telegraph reports.
The chancellor is intending to cut taxes before the next election after limiting his budget help to dealing with a winter cost-of-living crisis, The Guardian reports.
The chancellor has kept “Britain’s economic taps running with the biggest beer tax cut for 50 years”, the Metro reports.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak will “pump money into public services” as he backs the prime minister on public spending, the broadsheet reports.