Daily Express Front Page 7th of October 2021
The paper has a rather interesting front page, showing the prime minister with a beam of light radiating from his hand as he “invoked his political heroes of the past” during his Tory conference speech.
The paper has a rather interesting front page, showing the prime minister with a beam of light radiating from his hand as he “invoked his political heroes of the past” during his Tory conference speech.
Another paper leading on backlash against Boris Johnson’s Tory conference speech is The Times – which quotes business leaders saying the prime minister is treating them like the “bogeyman” over labour shortages.
“Senseless slaughter,” writes the Daily Mirror, as pig farmers warn the industry faces collapse due to an abattoir staff shortage that could see 100,000 animals culled.
The Mail says Dubai’s ruler has lost a High Court case alleging he plotted to spy on his ex-wife in the UK – putting pressure on the Queen to distance herself from Sheikh Mohammed.
The paper leads with condemnation from businesses and thinktanks of Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party conference speech – which was described as “bombastic” and “vacuous and economically illiterate”.
Boris Johnson has pledged not to build houses on “green fields” – abandoning plans for an overhaul of planning rules after a Tory backlash – writes The Daily Telegraph.
Leading with a picture of the prime minister getting a kiss from his wife, Metro says Boris Johnson led a “banter-packed” speech that was “short on policies” at the Tory party conference.
Gas prices have declined sharply after Russian President Vladimir Putin hinted his country was prepared to stabilise the soaring global energy costs, according to the paper.