Daily Mirror Front Page 15th of June 2021
The prime minister has put off ‘Freedom Day’ in order to make sure as many people are vaccinated as possible as the Delta variant surges, the Daily Mirror writes
The prime minister has put off ‘Freedom Day’ in order to make sure as many people are vaccinated as possible as the Delta variant surges, the Daily Mirror writes
Thousands of lives may be saved by Boris Johnson’s decision to delay the ending of lockdown, claims the Daily Express
The Daily Star reflects on the slightly depressing thought that not only has lockdown been extended but the heatwave will be coming to an end soon
The Daily Mail reports on how Boris Johnson has refused to rule out extending restrictions until later into the summer
Boris Johnson has not ruled out further delays to the ending of coronavirus restrictions, says The Daily Telegraph
As nine million people live under new COVID restrictions, the i newspaper says there will be no further unlocking for another four weeks and possibly longer
Boris Johnson has delayed the end of lockdown by four weeks but says he will not tolerate any further delays, says The Guardian
Metro reports that the prime minister has put ‘Freedom Day’ on ice in order to allow the country to build up a ‘wall of immunity’ to protect against the virus
The Financial Times says Boris Johnson has thwarted the calls of business leaders for prolonged financial support after delaying the end of lockdown by four weeks.