Daily Mail Front Page 21st of April 2021
“Greedy football bosses” have been defeated, the Daily Mail says, as teams start to pull out of the controversial European Super League.
“Greedy football bosses” have been defeated, the Daily Mail says, as teams start to pull out of the controversial European Super League.
Just 32 people admitted to hospital with COVID-19 in recent months had been vaccinated, The Daily Telegraph says.
Football clubs are bowing to fans furious about plans for a new European Super League – that’s on the front of The Times.
New hope for football, the Daily Mirror says, as teams start to pull out of the European Super League.
Metro reports that the new European Super League has “started to crack”.
The Daily Star also leads on the European Super League, with the headline: ‘Can we have our football back please, mister?’
The Daily Express reports on the promise of a pill to protect people against COVID-19.
The Guardian says fans are celebrating as plans for a European Super League appear on the brink of collapse.
Chinese president Xi Jinping has called for a new world order, warning other countries against interference in the internal affairs of his country – that’s on the front of the Financial Times.