Daily Star Front Page 25th of January 2021
The Daily Star leads on a story about pet vaccines.
The Daily Star leads on a story about pet vaccines.
The Times reports that Rishi Sunak supports proposals to quarantine people travelling into the UK in special hotels.
The Daily Express front page covers the UK’s record-breaking day of vaccine administrations.
The Daily Mail is raising money to provide computers for schoolchildren.
The Daily Mirror leads on “parent’s fury” over potential delays in opening schools again.
The Guardian also reports on the government warning that there is no guarantee schools will reopen after Easter.
The Daily Telegraph leads on a revolt within the Conservative Party over the issue of closed schools.
The i newspaper leads on the argument regarding delaying the second vaccine dose so that more people can receive their first earlier.
Metro leads on the story that schools may not return to normal until after Easter.
The Financial Times reports that Poland is leading the charge within the European Union to push new sanctions on Russia following the arrest of Alexei Navalny and the protests over the weekend.