The Daily Mail discovers Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been camping during a holiday in Scotland, rather than have any involvement in efforts to resolve the debacle around A-level results.
The Guardian reports on fears the UK’s second city, Birmingham, may face a new lockdown due to a rising number of coronavirus cases.
Hashem Abedi’s sentence also makes the front page of The Daily Express.
The Daily Telegraph’s front page story suggests hospital COVID-19 admissions were over-reported at the peak of the pandemic.
The Daily Mirror’s front page story suggests the BBC is to do away with live evening TV news bulletins.
The i newspaper leads with a story about record GCSE results.
The Metro’s front page focuses on the prison sentence received by Hashem Abedi, the brother of the Manchester Arena bomber.
Outrage over US companies paying senior executives multi-million dollar bonuses shortly before declaring bankruptcy is The Financial Times’ lead story.